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First Period After Baby: What To Expect And How To Prepare

With so many transformative moments and changes that occur during pregnancy and postpartum, the prospect of having your periods return might seem like just another question mark in the motherhood journey. As a new mom, you've been through a whirlwind of emotions, physical changes, and sleepless nights, and now you're faced with yet another mystery: your first period after delivery.

It's completely natural to have a multitude of doubts and questions swirling in your mind about this inevitable postpartum milestone. Will it be different from your pre-pregnancy periods? When will it return? What can you expect in terms of symptoms and duration? These are all valid concerns that many new mothers share, and we understand that the uncertainty can be overwhelming.

In this comprehensive blog, we're here to shed light on the topic of periods after delivery and provide you with the answers and guidance you've been seeking. We'll explore the intricacies of postpartum menstruation, address common concerns, and offer practical advice to help you navigate this phase of your post-baby life with confidence and ease.

So, if you're a new mom or soon-to-be one, join us on this informative journey as we demystify the experience of your first period after delivery. By the end of this blog, you'll not only have a better understanding of what to expect but also the assurance that you're not alone in your curiosity and concerns.

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Periods After Delivery

First period after delivery

After experiencing a well-deserved nine-month hiatus from menstruation during pregnancy, it's natural for many new mothers to wonder when their periods will make a return appearance. Postpartum, your body embarks on a journey reminiscent of your pre-pregnancy days, gradually resuming its regular menstrual cycle. However, the timeline for this comeback can be as unique as every woman's pregnancy experience. The restart button on your menstrual cycle isn't pressed uniformly for all, and various factors can influence when your first postpartum period will arrive. So, while some women might see their periods return relatively soon after giving birth, others may experience a more extended period of delay.

When To Expect Your First Period Postpartum

The timing and characteristics of your first postpartum period can vary significantly depending on various factors. For some new mothers, menstruation may make a comeback as early as 4 to 6 weeks after childbirth. However, the journey back to your regular menstrual cycle can take different routes. If you opt for bottle feeding or a combination of bottle and breastfeeding, it's more likely that your periods will return relatively sooner compared to those who exclusively breastfeed. This is because breastfeeding, especially exclusive breastfeeding, can trigger the production of a hormone called prolactin, which often delays the return of menstruation. Additionally, if you've stopped night feeding your baby, this change in breastfeeding patterns can also influence the timing of your first postpartum period, potentially causing it to arrive sooner. So, the experience of your first period after delivery can be as unique as your motherhood journey itself, influenced by your feeding choices and routines.

What to Expect - Symptoms

  • Your first postpartum period can vary in terms of flow. It might be lighter or heavier than your usual periods, and this can differ from woman to woman.

  • It's common for the first few postpartum periods to be irregular. You might experience longer or shorter cycles, and this is often due to hormonal fluctuations.

  • Like with regular periods, cramping is common. It's the result of your uterus contracting to shed the uterine lining.

  • Some women report changes in PMS symptoms, such as mood swings or breast tenderness, during their postpartum periods.

  • Your first period after delivery may last longer or shorter than usual, and this can vary from cycle to cycle as your body adjusts.

  • If you had a C-section or episiotomy, you might experience some discomfort or changes in the sensation of menstrual flow in the scar area.

  • The return of your period can be emotionally significant, potentially affecting your mood or emotions, especially if it marks a transition in your postpartum journey.

Understanding Lochia: Your Body's Postpartum Discharge

Lochia, a term you might not have come across until pregnancy, is a natural and essential part of the postpartum experience. It's the vaginal discharge that occurs after childbirth, and it's your body's way of healing and recovering from the incredible journey of pregnancy and labor.

Lochia is a unique blend of substances that emerge from your uterus after giving birth. It consists of blood, mucus, uterine tissue, and other materials. While it might not sound particularly appealing, this discharge plays a crucial role in your body's recovery process.

Differences between Lochia and Postpartum Period

Lochia and the postpartum period (postpartum menstruation) are not the same; they are distinct physiological processes that occur in the postpartum period, but they serve different purposes and have different characteristics.

  • Lochia: Lochia is the vaginal discharge that occurs in the weeks following childbirth. It consists of blood, mucus, uterine tissue, and other materials from the uterus. Lochia is a natural part of the healing process after childbirth. It starts immediately after delivery and typically continues for about 4-6 weeks. Lochia goes through three stages: Lochia Rubra (bright red and heavy bleeding), Lochia Serosa (pink or brownish discharge), and Lochia Alba (white or yellowish discharge). Lochia is not related to the menstrual cycle; it's a sign that the uterus is returning to its pre-pregnancy state.

  • Postpartum Period : The postpartum period, or postpartum menstruation, refers to the return of regular menstrual cycles after childbirth. It is similar to the menstrual periods a woman had before becoming pregnant. The timing of the return of postpartum menstruation varies from woman to woman. It can happen anywhere from a few weeks to several months after childbirth. The return of postpartum periods is influenced by factors such as breastfeeding (exclusive breastfeeding can delay menstruation), hormonal changes, and individual variations.

Breastfeeding During Periods

The return of your period after childbirth need not be a hindrance to your breastfeeding journey. In fact, it should have minimal impact on your ability to breastfeed your baby. While some women may notice a temporary drop in milk supply just before or during their period due to hormonal fluctuations, it's typically a short-lived issue. Your breast milk remains a highly nutritious and valuable source of nourishment for your little one. Babies are adaptable and can adjust their feeding patterns to compensate for minor changes in milk supply.

Staying well-hydrated and maintaining a balanced diet can help support consistent milk production. If you encounter any challenges, seeking guidance from a lactation consultant or healthcare provider can provide strategies to ensure a smooth breastfeeding experience throughout your postpartum journey.

Coping with Your First Period Postpartum

  • Prioritize self-care during this time, including rest and relaxation.

  • Stay well-hydrated to support your body's recovery and milk supply.

  • Maintain a balanced diet to ensure adequate nutrition for both you and your baby.

  • Be flexible with breastfeeding or bottle-feeding patterns to accommodate potential milk supply fluctuations.

  • If you have concerns or discomfort, consult your healthcare provider for guidance.

  • Choose comfortable and appropriate period products that suit your needs.

  • Seek emotional support from friends, family, or support groups if needed.

  • Discuss birth control options with your healthcare provider if you're considering contraception postpartum.

  • Consider tracking your menstrual cycle for future reference and family planning.

  • Keep necessary supplies on hand, especially if you're away from home, to manage your period with ease.

Now that we have a detailed guide regarding first period after delivery.Now let's look at some of the frequently asked questions

When will I get my period after pregnancy?

The timing of your first post-pregnancy period varies from woman to woman. It can return as early as a few weeks after childbirth or take several months, depending on factors like breastfeeding, hormonal changes, and individual variations.

When will I get my period after a C-section?

Whether you had a C-section or vaginal delivery, the return of your period is influenced by the same factors. It can still vary widely, and the surgical method doesn't necessarily accelerate or delay the process.

How do I know if it's period or postpartum bleeding?

Distinguishing between your period and postpartum bleeding can be challenging. Typically, postpartum bleeding is heavy and gradually transitions to lighter discharge (lochia), while your period may have a more regular flow and timing. However, if you're uncertain, it's advisable to consult your healthcare provider for clarification.

Is the first period after birth painful?

The pain experienced during the first period after childbirth can vary from woman to woman. Some may experience discomfort or cramping, while others may not notice any significant difference from their pre-pregnancy periods. Over-the-counter pain relievers and self-care measures can help alleviate any discomfort.

Can I get my period while breastfeeding?

Yes, it's possible to get your period while breastfeeding, although exclusive breastfeeding can delay its return. The hormone prolactin, produced during breastfeeding, can suppress menstruation. However, it's not a foolproof form of contraception, so discussing birth control options with your healthcare provider is essential if you want to prevent another pregnancy.

How long does the first period last after a C-section delivery?

The duration of your first post-C-section period is similar to that of women who had a vaginal delivery. It can vary, but it typically lasts around the same duration as your regular periods.


Your first period after pregnancy is a unique journey, and while it raises many questions and uncertainties, it's essential to remember that it's a natural part of the postpartum experience. The return of your menstrual cycle is influenced by various factors, but it need not disrupt your life or breastfeeding journey significantly. If you have specific concerns or questions about your postpartum period, don't hesitate to reach out to a healthcare provider for guidance. As you navigate this phase of motherhood, remember that your body is continually adapting and healing, and you're not alone in your experiences. For personalised advice and support, reach out to Polaris Healthcare for expert care during your pregnancy and postpartum journey.

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About The Author: Dr. Ujwala Patil (MBBS DGO, LCCE )

Dr. Ujwala Patil experienced gynecologist and obstetrician

Dr. Ujwala Patil, founder of Polaris Health Care, specializes in gynecology and obstetrics. With extensive experience and training, she offers expert advice, especially in infertility, cervical cytology, and colonoscopy. Empaneled at Surya and Life point hospitals, she has successfully managed high-risk obstetric cases and conducted over 1000 deliveries, providing compassionate care for women from diverse backgrounds.

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