Polaris Healthcare features a dedicated sports injury department focused on helping athletes recover from their injuries quickly and safely. The hospital is staffed with a team of experienced and knowledgeable doctors, physical therapists, trainers, and nutritionists who collaborate to provide a comprehensive approach to sports injury rehabilitation. If you're looking for a sports injury specialist in Pune, our experts are well-equipped to assist you. Additionally, our sports injury doctor in Pune is committed to delivering effective treatment customized to your needs.

Engaging in sports and exercise can lead to sports injuries for children and adults. However, children are particularly susceptible to these injuries as their bodies are still developing and may not be ready for the physical demands of sports activities. Sports injuries can take various forms, including sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations, and concussions, with symptoms such as pain, swelling, bruising, and limited range of motion depending on the injury's severity.
The aftermath of a sports injury can vary widely and affect an individual's life in different ways. While some injuries may heal completely with appropriate care, others can result in long-term or permanent damage, decreasing fitness, mobility, and overall quality of life. Preventive measures—such as warming up and stretching before physical activity, using proper protective gear, maintaining good physical conditioning, and avoiding overexertion—can help lower the risk of sports injuries. In a sports injury, it is crucial to seek prompt medical attention to ensure proper treatment and recovery.
Types of Sports Injuries

Sprain and strain
A sprain is a common injury when the ligaments connecting two bones at a joint are stretched beyond their limits or torn. Ligaments are strong bands of tissue that support the joint and maintain proper alignment of the bones. Symptoms of a sprain may include pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the affected joint. In contrast, a strain occurs when muscles or tendons are stretched or torn due to overexertion, repetitive movements, or sudden forceful actions. Tendons are fibrous tissues that connect muscles to bones and facilitate joint movement.

Knee injury
A sports injury can impact the knee joint and result in a limited range of motion. This limitation can arise from various factors, including overstretching of the muscles or tissues surrounding the knee or a complete rupture of the ligaments or tendons. Knee injuries are prevalent in sports that involve running, jumping, or sudden directional changes. To help prevent knee injuries, engaging in proper warm-up routines, stretching, and wearing suitable protective gear is essential. Additionally, seeking timely medical attention and undergoing rehabilitation can facilitate recovery and minimize the risk of long-term damage.

A muscular swell
Swelling is a body's natural response to injury, including muscular injuries. When muscles swell, they can become painful and weak. This swelling occurs when fluid and white blood cells gather around the injured tissue, increasing in size. This process can act as a protective mechanism, as the additional fluid helps stabilize the affected area and prevent further damage. However, excessive swelling can lead to complications such as restricted blood flow and impaired movement. Therefore, effective treatment and management of swelling are crucial for ensuring a safe and successful recovery from a muscular injury.

A ruptured achilles tendon
The Achilles tendon is a robust yet thin tendon situated at the back of the ankle. It can rupture or tear during sports activities, leading to sudden and severe pain and difficulty walking. This type of injury is more prevalent among middle-aged individuals who engage in high-impact sports occasionally or those who fail to warm up adequately before exercising. The healing process for a ruptured Achilles tendon generally includes wearing a cast or brace to immobilize the ankle, undergoing physical therapy, and, in severe cases, surgery to repair the tendon.

A fracture is a common injury characterized by a broken bone. It can occur from a sudden, forceful impact, repetitive stress, or the weakening of the bone due to medical conditions like osteoporosis. Fractures can produce various symptoms, including pain, swelling, bruising, and limited mobility, depending on the severity of the injury. Treatment for fractures may involve immobilization with a cast or brace, medication to alleviate pain and inflammation, and surgery to realign and stabilize the broken bone in more severe cases. Adequate rest and rehabilitation are essential for complete healing and recovery.

Dislocations happen when a bone is forcibly pulled out of its socket due to a sports injury or other forms of trauma. This can lead to swelling, weakness, and discomfort in the affected area. While dislocations frequently occur in the shoulder, they can also affect the fingers, hips, and knees. Prompt medical attention is essential for properly treating a dislocation, as failure to address it quickly can result in further damage and complications. Treatment typically involves manually repositioning the bone back into its socket, followed by immobilization and physical therapy to facilitate recovery.
How can I Avoid Sports Injuries?
Proper stretching and warming up before participating in physical activity are crucial to preventing sports injuries. A thorough warm-up decreases the risk of injury by preparing the body for sudden movements, twists, and impacts. Cold muscles are more prone to overstretching and tearing, whereas warm muscles are more pliable and flexible.
In addition to stretching and warming up, other guidelines can help reduce the risk of sports injuries. These include:

Correct movement
Understanding the correct movement patterns for your sport or activity, including proper stances and postures, is essential for preventing injuries. This knowledge can help avoid strain on vulnerable areas of the body, such as the spine and hips. For instance, bending your knees at appropriate times in certain sports can significantly lower the risk of injury.

The appropriate footwear
Wearing appropriate athletic footwear and gear is crucial for reducing the risk of injuries. Ill-fitting shoes or equipment can increase the likelihood of injury during exercise. Therefore, ensuring you have the right athletic protection is important.

Do not overdo it, please.
It's vital to avoid overexerting yourself and risking injury. If you get hurt, it's best to wait until you fully recover before returning to the activity. Pushing through the pain can exacerbate the injury. After allowing your body sufficient time to heal, you should gradually ease back into the activity or sport.

Cool down
Cooling down after exercise is crucial for preventing injuries and promoting recovery. Gradually decreasing the intensity of physical activity allows the body to return to its pre-exercise state. Incorporating warm-up stretching exercises and movements during the cool-down can aid in relaxation and recovery. Proper hydration and nutrition are also essential to support the body's recovery process.

Resume back slowly
Slowing down your activity if you’re injured is important, but don’t wait too long to seek treatment. Prolonged inactivity can hinder the healing process. Once you start feeling better, it’s acceptable to resume your favorite sport or exercise. Anyone can be susceptible to sports injuries, regardless of how long it has been since they last engaged in physical activity. However, certain factors can increase the risk of injury for you or someone you care about.

Children's inherent curiosity and boundless energy often lead them to overlook their physical limitations, making them more vulnerable to injuries than adults or teenagers. Their active lifestyles and high energy levels increase the likelihood of sports injuries. Therefore, taking appropriate precautions and supervising children during physical activities is essential to reduce their risk of injury.

As people age, their bodies experience wear and tear, heightening their risk of injury and extending recovery time. This is particularly true for older people, as their bodies may not be as resilient as they once were. Older individuals must take necessary precautions, such as implementing proper warm-up and cool-down routines, to minimize their risk of injury and support recovery.

Ignoring minor injuries can result in more serious issues over time. Seeking medical attention early can help diagnose and treat overuse injuries, such as tendinitis and fractures before they escalate. It is crucial to take appropriate precautions and avoid negligence to minimize the risk of injury and promote overall health and well-being.

Being overweight
Carrying excess weight adds extra stress to the ankles, knees, and hips, increasing the likelihood of injury during exercise or sports. Maintaining a healthy weight can help mitigate this risk and promote joint health. Engaging in low-impact activities such as swimming or cycling can also benefit individuals concerned about their weight, as these exercises place less strain on the joints than high-impact activities like running or jumping.
Book An Appointment
Polaris Healthcare has offered Sports Medicine services in Pune for over a decade. Dr. Surendra Patil, with more than 20 years of experience in orthopaedics and sports injuries, has played a key role in providing sports medicine services to both local athletes and elite national competitors.
The sports injury clinic at Polaris Healthcare features a dedicated team of orthopaedic doctors, physical therapists, trainers, and nutritionists committed to helping patients recover quickly and safely. The clinic employs a personalized approach to treatment, recognizing that each patient requires individual attention and care. The team develops customized treatment plans for each patient to ensure the most effective and appropriate healing process.