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Arthroplasty Surgery Pune

Lessen pain and restore the normal functionality of your joint with our arthroplasty surgery. At Polaris Healthcare, we have a team of specialized surgeons and cutting-edge technology to resurface damaged joints that enhance our patient's quality of life.

​Arthroplasty Surgery Pune

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What is Arthroplasty?

About Arthroplasty

Orthopaedic surgery involving the replacement or realignment of the articular surface of a joint is known as arthroplasty. The purpose of arthroplasty is to restore the function of a joint. The bones of a joint can be resurfaced to restore its function. Artificial joints called prosthesis are used in such cases to resurface the damaged joint.


At Polaris Healthcare, we strive to provide the most innovative medical techniques to enhance people’s quality of life. We also provide cutting-edge methods for controlling and lessening pain using arthroplasty surgeries.


The objectives of the surgery include :


  • Lessening any pain and discomfort


  • Restoring movement and activity


  • Reducing the risk of chronic health conditions

Preparation For Arthroplasty

Preparation For Arthroplasty

Your healthcare practitioner(s) will assist you in preparing for the surgery. They may advise you to engage in physical therapy, exercise, or a nutrition plan weeks before surgery. These programs help guarantee that you are fit for the procedure. Several tests, like blood testing, an electrocardiogram, and a chest X-ray, may be required to evaluate your general health before arthroplasty. Depending on your medical history, you may need to see your primary care physician or another expert for a preoperative examination.


For surgical planning, specific procedures need a CT scan or an MRI. It is always suggested to inform your provider about your medical history and any drugs you are taking. Certain medications may need to be stopped before surgery (such as blood thinners like tab aspirin and clopidogrel). Your service provider will tell you what and when to stop eating the night before the procedure.

The Procedure

The procedure used by the surgeon differs based on the type of surgery and the joint that has to be replaced. The procedure might take place in the hospital. The patient is sedated shortly before the treatment to avoid any discomfort. The surgeon makes incisions (cuts), and the damaged joint is removed. The joint is then replaced with an artificial joint. The wounds are sealed with stitches, staples, or surgical glue, and a bandage is applied to the joint. A brace or sling may also be required.


Sometimes common replacement treatments can be performed by surgeons utilizing minimally invasive methods. These methods need fewer incisions and specialized instruments. Recovery time for less invasive treatments may be shorter. Our expert orthopaedic surgeon Dr.Surendra Patil is also experienced in robotic replacement surgeries, including greater precision and shorter recovery times.

Arthroplasty Procedure
Arthroplasty Post Surgery Care

Post Surgery Care

  • Depending on your operation, you may be able to go home in a couple of days. You will need to arrange for someone to drive you home. You may also require assistance walking about or conducting duties like washing or showering. Discuss rehabilitation plans with your physical therapist.


  • You will have some discomfort following surgery. Avoid physical activities during the first several days following your operation. Take your time recovering after surgery. Apply ice or a cold compress on the new joint for roughly 20 minutes.


  • Follow your physical therapy and home exercise regimen precisely as directed. It is critical to follow the recommendations provided by your physician. They will not only aid in your recuperation and restoration of function but will also safeguard the joint.


  • Elevate your legs depending on the joint you had replaced; your physician may advise you to keep it elevated while you sleep. If you have a knee replacement, rest your foot on a stool or chair rather than the floor.


  • Maintain clean and covered incisions. Carefully follow your provider's incision care recommendations. After your procedure, ask your practitioner when you can remove the dressing, wash, or bathe.


  • Take pain relievers. Your doctor may advise using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) or prescription pain relievers. You may also require medication to minimize edema or avoid blood clots. When using your service, be sure to follow their directions.

When can I resume my normal activities?

Everyone's recovery following joint replacement is unique. Enquire with your physician about when you can resume your favorite activities following your arthroplasty. It's a good idea to discuss this before surgery so you know what activities are suitable after a full recovery.


Various things; will determine your recuperation time.


  • Your activity level and lifestyle.


  • Age.


  • The joint has been replaced.


  • Other medical conditions or orthopedic issues


  • Whether or not you got a whole or partial joint replacement.


  • A physical therapy regimen can help most patients recover faster. PT helps to strengthen the muscles surrounding the replacement joint. This allows them to provide more significant support for the joint. These exercises also assist to develop flexibility.

Arthroplasty Surgery Pune

Advantages Of Arthroplasty

1. Painless joint

Any pain/discomfort and contractures in tissues surrounding your joints can be relieved post-arthroplasty surgery.

2. Free mobility

After surgery, you can move freely throughout your daily activities, even walking long distance and climbing stairs is easily possible

3. Ability to do all activities of daily living and recreation

Due to painlessness and ease of movements, an individual can resume and perform all their daily living and recreation activities easily post-surgery.

4. A painless mobile state improves mental and physical health 

Because a person can resume regular activities and exercises without experiencing pain following surgery. It aids in both mental and physical health improvement.

5. Less discomfort

The primary reason individuals have this surgery is to be free of chronic and terrible pain.

6. Restores movement and activity

Joint replacement allows many patients to resume activities and hobbies they formerly enjoyed, such as biking, hiking, swimming, and golf, that they could not do due to pain. As a result, overall life quality improves.

7. Reduces the risk of chronic health conditions

The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons reports that complete hip replacement is related to lower risks of death, heart failure, depression, and diabetes.

8. More secure than ever before

Joint replacement surgery is safer and more successful. While there are always hazards involved with this operation, developments in this process frequently result in a lower risk.


1. How much does it cost for arthroplasty surgery in Pune?

Typically it costs between 1.25 to 2.5 lakhs depending upon the choice of implants and other factors. Kindly call or book an appointment before getting a quote. 

2.  What is the recovery time after arthroplasty surgery?

Patients can resume most normal activities and walk without assistive devices between three and six weeks after surgery. It generally takes two to three months to recover completely from the surgery.

3. When should I see the doctor after surgery?

After surgery, you will need to consult us after 2 weeks for stitch removal, 6 weeks for the first follow-up, and 3 months for another follow-up. After this, the follow-up can be yearly as well. Please contact us immediately if you notice any signs of infection, such as increased pain, swelling, warmth, or redness.

4. How long does arthroplasty surgery take?

The average procedure lasts 1 to 1.25 hours for one joint hour. Most patients also stay in the hospital for 3-4 days following the procedure.

5. Can I lead a normal life after surgery?

Many people become more mobile and active after the procedure than they were before. Most people can resume their normal activities within a few weeks. However, follow the doctor's recommendation to achieve the best results.

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