Cartilage Regeneration Surgery
What is Cartilage Regeneration Surgery?
The process of cartilage repair is used to promote the development of new cartilage. For cartilage repair, various non-surgical and surgical methods, including nutritional supplements, microfracture, drilling, abrasion arthroplasty, osteochondral autograft, and allograft transplantation, may be used.

When to go for surgery
A joint replacement is avoided by resurfacing, realigning, and stabilizing a patient's knee during a Cartilage Restoration operation. Patients who are under 50 and active benefit most from cartilage repair.
Cartilage is not very good at healing itself. Therefore, surgery may be required for patients who report joint dysfunction (e.g., knee, ankle, hip, elbow) linked to painful cartilage or chondral lesion. Successful cartilage repair surgery lessens discomfort and improves performance.
The Procedure
The doctor removes a single cartilage plug in a treatment known as mosaicplasty. It may be carried out employing numerous plugs. It is possible to transfer a single cartilage plug or perform a treatment known as mosaicplasty, which involves numerous plugs. Osteochondral autograft transplantation using a mosaicplasty technique.

Post Surgery Care
The cartilage cells renew while you heal from surgery, creating new tissue to replace worn-out cartilage. According to Wang, healthy cartilage cushions the bones in your knee and improves mobility, but when it erodes, it can cause excruciating agony.
Applying ice packs to the dressing and the surrounding region can help minimise pain and swelling during general recovery suggestions.
After surgery, elevating the leg for a few days.
Getting plenty of rest.
Frequently changing the dressing.
Utilising crutches and according to the doctor's instructions on putting weight on the knee.