Adult Spine Surgery
What is Adult Spine Surgery?
Patients with spinal deformities have a variety of clinical manifestations, and many surgical techniques and treatments are available. Patients frequently have symptoms resulting from a mix of neurologic problems, increasing deformity, and degenerative spondylosis. Each surgical procedure is customized depending on the uniqueness of the case. In certain instances, the surgical treatment of spinal deformity and degenerative disease cannot be completed with a single surgery and may require several surgical procedures to be managed over the long term.

When to go for surgery
Even though cosmetic surgery is not advised, some patients find the symptoms of their spinal deformity intolerable. Their spinal misalignment also impacts their daily activities and general well-being. In some situations, surgery is the only solution. In younger people, the aesthetic abnormality may play a significant role in deciding to have surgery, unlike in older adults. Depending on the circumstances of each instance, there are many spinal surgery possibilities. Often, surgery is performed to stabilize the spine, regain balance, and release nerve pressure. Metal implants are placed after bone grafts are used to fuse the spine's bones to hold the spine in place.
The Procedure
Even though the spine occupies a sizable portion of the body, not every spinal surgery procedure needs to be a complicated treatment. Numerous spinal operations are minimally invasive, so the doctor makes a few tiny incisions instead of several big ones. Typically, surgical techniques aim to alleviate nerve pressure, stabilize the spine, and regain balance. To retain the spine in place after spine stabilization surgery, the spine's bones are fused using bone transplants and, subsequently, metal implants.

Post Surgery Care
Recovery from back surgery typically requires 12 weeks. Nevertheless, depending on the adjustment, it can take your back up to six months to fully recover.
Get help with the sponge bath. Keep the dressing dry.
Take painkillers as directed.
Till your doctor gives the all-clear, stay away from intense activities like bicycling, running, weight lifting, or aerobic activity.
After surgery, you shouldn't drive for two to four weeks or until your doctor gives the all-clear.
For two to four weeks following surgery, avoid sitting in a car for more than 30 minutes at a time.