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ACL Reconstruction Surgery with Polaris Healthcare.

What is ACL Reconstruction Surgery?

ACL reconstruction surgery is a specialised orthopaedic procedure designed to restore the stability and functionality of the knee joint after an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. The ACL is a cruciate ligament that connects the thigh bone (femur) to the shin bone (tibia), and its injury is common, particularly among athletes. During the surgery, the damaged ACL is replaced with a graft, often sourced from the patient's own tendons . This graft serves as a scaffold for the growth of new ligament tissue. ACL reconstruction surgery is followed by a rigorous rehabilitation program to help patients regain strength, range of motion, and stability in the knee, facilitating a return to an active lifestyle.

When to Go for Surgery

The decision to undergo ACL reconstruction surgery is typically based on the severity of the ACL injury and the individual's activity level. If the ACL is completely torn or if the patient leads an active lifestyle, especially in sports that involve cutting and pivoting, surgery is often recommended. Additionally, surgery may be suggested if the patient experiences instability and a feeling of the knee giving way during activities such as walking or running.Delaying surgery can lead to further damage and instability. However, for less active individuals or those with partial ACL tears, non-surgical treatments and physical therapy may be considered as initial options to manage the injury.

The Procedure

ACL reconstruction surgery involves replacing the damaged ACL with a graft, commonly harvested from the patient's own tendons .The surgery is typically performed arthroscopically, involving small incisions and specialised instruments. The graft is secured in place using screws, allowing new ligament tissue to grow over time. It is a minimally invasive procedure  and patients can return home on the next day or two.

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Post-Surgery Care

After ACL reconstruction, patients receive instructions on managing pain, swelling, and post-operative wound care. They typically use crutches and may wear a knee brace or splint initially to protect the graft. Physical therapy plays a crucial role in rehabilitation, with a gradual progression of exercises to regain strength, stability, and range of motion in the knee. The recovery timeline can vary, but it generally takes several months to return to full activity, depending on the individual's goals and the type of sports or activities they wish to resume. Regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon are essential to monitor progress and ensure a successful recovery.


1. What is knee arthroscopy, and when is it recommended?

Knee arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to diagnose and treat various knee conditions. It's recommended when conservative treatments like rest, physical therapy, or medication fail to provide relief from knee pain or when there's a need for a precise diagnosis of unexplained knee symptoms.

2. What are the common knee issues treated with arthroscopy?

Knee arthroscopy can address a range of knee problems, including torn meniscus, ligament injuries like ACL or PCL tears, inflammation of the synovium, cartilage damage, loose fragments in the joint, and patella-related issues.

3. What can I expect during the recovery period after knee arthroscopy?

Recovery from knee arthroscopy involves rest, keeping weight off the knee, and possibly using crutches or a walker. Elevating the leg to reduce swelling is crucial. Patients are typically advised to follow a physiotherapy program to regain full mobility and function gradually.

4. How long does knee arthroscopy surgery typically take?

The duration of knee arthroscopy can vary depending on the complexity of the issue being addressed. On average, the procedure takes about 30 minutes to an hour. However, your orthopaedic surgeon will provide you with a more accurate estimate based on your specific case and number of ligament repaired or reconstructed .

5. Is knee arthroscopy an outpatient procedure?

Yes, knee arthroscopy is often performed as an outpatient procedure, meaning you can typically go home on the same day as your surgery. However, the exact discharge plan may vary based on your surgeon's recommendation and your overall health.

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