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Restore mobility and regain momentum in your shoulder with top-rated shoulder specialists in Pune. As a leading provider of shoulder replacement surgery, Polaris Healthcare offers an accurate and reliable procedure with reduced surgical risks and a faster recovery time for our patients.

Shoulder Specalist In Pune

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Types Of Shoulder Problems

About Shoulder

​Total Shoulder Replacement

Total shoulder replacement, also known as total shoulder arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure involving artificial implants replacing the damaged or diseased parts of the shoulder joint. The procedure is typically recommended for patients with severe shoulder pain and limited mobility caused by arthritis, rotator cuff tear, or other shoulder injuries or conditions. During the procedure, the surgeon removes the damaged parts of the joint and replaces them with a metal ball and plastic socket. This allows the shoulder to move more freely and with less pain. Recovery from total shoulder replacement can take several months, but most patients report significant improvements in their shoulder function and quality of life after the procedure.

Partial Shoulder Replacement

Partial Shoulder Replacement

Partial shoulder replacement, also known as hemiarthroplasty, involves replacing only the damaged or diseased humeral head, which is the top of the upper arm bone. Unlike total shoulder replacement, which replaces both the humeral head and the shoulder blade socket, partial shoulder replacement involves leaving the shoulder blade socket intact. This approach is often recommended when the damage or arthritis is limited to the humeral head,  or if there is  a four part fracture of the proximal humerus or humeral head .It can be less invasive and result in a faster recovery time. By replacing the damaged humeral head with an artificial implant, patients can experience reduced pain and improved range of motion in their shoulder.

Recurrent shoulder dislocation

Recurrent shoulder dislocation occurs when an individual experiences repeated instances of dislocation or subluxation, which is the partial displacement of the upper arm bone from the shoulder socket. This condition indicates an unstable shoulder or shoulder instability, which can be caused by various factors such as past traumatic dislocation or overuse injuries. Shoulder instability can significantly impact an individual's ability to perform daily tasks, exercise, or participate in sports and may require medical intervention such as physical therapy, surgery, or immobilisation to stabilise the joint and prevent further dislocations.

Recurrent Shoulder Dislocation
Reverse shoulder replacement surgery

Reverse shoulder replacement surgery

Reverse shoulder replacement surgery is a specialised procedure used to treat severe damage to the rotator cuff, a group of muscles and tendons that hold the shoulder joint in place. When tendons are severely damaged, traditional repair methods may not be effective. Reverse shoulder replacement surgery is an alternative option that can improve joint function, reduce pain, and enhance shoulder mobility, especially if the joint is affected by arthritis. This surgical technique involves reversing the position of the ball and socket in the shoulder joint to create a more stable joint.

Shoulder dislocation

The shoulder joint is one of the most versatile joints in our body, enabling us to perform a wide range of movements. However, this flexibility also makes it vulnerable to injury, particularly dislocation. When the upper arm bone becomes displaced from the cup-shaped socket, it can cause significant pain and restrict movement. Various factors, including trauma, overuse, and degenerative conditions, can cause shoulder dislocation.

Shoulder Dislocation
Fracture around shoulder

Fracture around shoulder

The shoulder is a complex joint that relies on a group of bones working together to facilitate arm movement. These bones include the humerus( upper arm bone), the clavicle( collarbone), and the scapula ( shoulder blade). Any fracture to one of these bones can result in significant immobility and excruciating pain. Fractures around the shoulder are typically caused by a fall, sports injury, car accident, or a direct blow to the shoulder. Because of the importance of the shoulder joint in everyday activities, any injury to this area requires prompt medical attention to ensure proper healing and to prevent long-term damage or complications.

Rotator cuff tear 

A rotator cuff tear occurs when there is a rip in the group of four muscles and tendons that stabilise the shoulder joint. Repetitive overhead arm motions, sudden trauma, or degeneration over time can cause this type of injury. A complete or full-thickness tear refers to a situation where the tendon separates from the bone, while a partial tear is where there is only partial damage to the tendon. The severity of the tear determines the type of treatment required. While a partial tear can often be treated with physical therapy and rest, a complete tear may require surgical intervention. Without proper treatment, a rotator cuff tear can lead to long-term complications such as muscle weakness, reduced mobility, and chronic pain.

Rotator cuff tear
Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder. Aka. adhesive capsulitis

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a painful and restrictive condition that affects the shoulder joint. The condition typically develops in three stages - the freezing stage, frozen stage, and thawing stage. During the freezing stage, the shoulder becomes increasingly stiff, and pain gradually worsens, reducing mobility. The pain may begin to subside in the frozen stage, but the shoulder remains immobile and stiff. Finally, the shoulder gradually regains mobility in the thawing stage, and the pain subsides. The onset of a frozen shoulder is usually gradual, and the symptoms can worsen over time. However, with appropriate management and treatment, the condition can improve within 1 to 3 years. 

Acromioclavicular fracture dislocation

Acromioclavicular (AC) fracture, commonly known as a shoulder separation, is a type of traumatic injury frequently seen in athletes. This injury occurs when there is a direct fall onto the point of the shoulder, causing the shoulder blade (scapula) to be forced downwards and the collarbone (clavicle) to pop up, resulting in a separation of the AC joint. This injury is mainly associated with contact sports such as football, rugby, wrestling, and cycling. The severity of the injury varies depending on the extent of joint separation. In mild cases, treatment may include rest, ice, and pain management medication, while in more severe cases, surgery may be necessary to repair the joint.

Acromioclavicular fracture dislocation
Slap Tear

Slap Tear

​Slap (Superior Labrum Anterior and Posterior) tear is when an individual tears the cartilage in the inner part of their shoulder joint. This type of injury can occur due to trauma, such as a fall or a direct blow to the shoulder, or from overuse of the shoulder joint, such as in athletes who participate in sports that require repetitive overhead motions, such as baseball pitchers or tennis players. The injury can cause significant pain, weakness, and instability in the shoulder joint, making it difficult to move the shoulder and arm. The severity of the tear can vary from a small tear that may not require surgery to a complete tear that may require surgical intervention.

Arthroscopic slap tear repair Tear

Arthroscopic SLAP tear surgery is performed to repair damaged shoulder cartilage, specifically a Superior Labrum, Anterior to Posterior (SLAP) tear. The labrum is a cushion that helps keep the upper arm bone in place in the shoulder socket and is also connected to a bicep tendon. A tear in the top part of the labrum can result in shoulder instability and pain. During arthroscopic SLAP tear surgery, the tear is repaired to restore the cushion and connection, allowing for improved shoulder function and reduced pain.

Arthroscopic slap tear repair Tear
Arthroscopic adhesiolysis for frozen shoulder

Arthroscopic adhesiolysis for frozen shoulder

Arthroscopic adhesiolysis is a surgical procedure used to treat a frozen shoulder, a condition where the shoulder becomes stiff and painful. The procedure involves making two minor cuts in the shoulder and inserting a small telescope to examine the joint. Surgical instruments are inserted through the other cut to divide the thickened capsule, restricting shoulder movement. This procedure usually takes 30 minutes to an hour and can improve the range of motion and relieve pain in the affected shoulder.

ACJ reconstruction surgery

AC joint reconstruction surgery stabilises a damaged acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) in the shoulder. The surgeon may use sections of the patient's own ligament or an artificial ligament to pull the separated shoulder back into place, reducing pain and stabilising the joint. The procedure is performed under general anaesthetic, and the replacement ligament is inserted through an incision in the shoulder. After the surgery, the arm must be supported in a sling for at least three weeks, and exercises are prescribed by a physiotherapist to regain shoulder movement and strength.

ACJ reconstruction surgery
Arthroscopic bankart repair surgery for dislocation of shoulder 

Arthroscopic bankart repair surgery for dislocation of shoulder 

Arthroscopic Bankart repair is a surgical procedure that effectively treats anterior shoulder instability resulting from a labrum tear. Most patients who suffer a traumatic anterior dislocation of their shoulder experience recurrent instability, which significantly impacts their daily activities, including work and sports. By repairing the tear in the labrum, the procedure aims to restore the patient's full range of motion, enabling them to participate in their normal activities without discomfort or instability. 


1. What is shoulder pain?

Shoulder pain is any discomfort experienced in the shoulder joint or the surrounding ligaments, tendons, or muscles. It may be caused by injury or inflammation in these areas. It's important to note that pain originating from a different structure, but felt in the shoulder, is known as  referred pain. For example, neck or upper back pain can often be felt in the shoulder. Identifying the source of the pain is crucial to determining the most appropriate treatment for shoulder pain.

2.  What are the causes of shoulder pain?

Several factors and conditions cause shoulder pain. They include,


  • Rotator cuff tendonitis

  • Arthritis

  • Broken shoulder or arm

  • Frozen shoulder

  • Dislocated shoulder

  • Shoulder injury

  • Spinal cord injury

3. What are the signs and symptoms of shoulder pain?

The following are a few of the signs and symptoms of shoulder pain,


  • Pain and stiffness in the shoulder area

  • Pain experienced at the top of the shoulder

  • Tingling sensations in the shoulder or arm

  • Increased pain when moving the arm

  • Limited range of motion or inability to move the shoulder or arm


It's essential to pay attention to these symptoms and seek medical advice if you experience persistent or severe shoulder pain, as it may indicate an underlying condition that requires treatment.

4. What is the treatment for shoulder pain?

Shoulder pain treatment options vary depending on the underlying cause of the pain. The most common treatments for shoulder injuries are rest and ice, physical therapy, pain relievers, injections, and surgery for more severe conditions. It's important to consult a healthcare professional to determine the best treatment approach for your situation.

5. How long do I need to stay in the hospital after arthroscopic surgery?

The length of hospital stay after arthroscopic surgery varies depending on the type and complexity of the surgery. In most cases, patients can go home on the same or the next day of surgery.

6. Will I be able to move my affected joint immediately after arthroscopic surgery?

Following arthroscopic surgery, you will experience some discomfort and swelling, which can limit your movement in the affected joint. However, you will be encouraged to move the joint gently and perform prescribed exercises to aid recovery. You should expect to regain full mobility within a few weeks of surgery with the help of physiotherapy.

7. Is physiotherapy necessary after arthroscopic surgery?

Yes, physiotherapy is an important part of the recovery process after arthroscopic surgery. A physiotherapist will work with you to develop a tailored rehabilitation plan to help you regain mobility, flexibility, and strength in the affected joint. Regular physiotherapy sessions are crucial to ensure the best possible outcome after surgery.

8. What kind of results can I expect after an arthroscopic surgery?

The results of arthroscopic surgery can vary depending on the individual case and the specific procedure performed. However, many patients experience significant improvement in their pain, mobility, and overall function of the affected joint. It's important to note that the success of the surgery can also depend on factors such as the patient's adherence to post-surgery rehabilitation and lifestyle modifications. Our surgeon will discuss realistic expectations and potential outcomes with you during your pre-operative consultation.

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